Homemade face mask for wrinkled facial skin

skin regeneration maskHello dear readers. Today I want to share a homemade facial wrinkle mask recipe. I haven't seen my friend in a while, we just met recently and she looks great at 47 years old. Her facial skin was so smooth and even, even I noticed. It was simply impossible not to notice her radiant face. We chatted for a long time. I still couldn't stand it and asked her how she took care of her face.Natasha shared with me the recipe for the masks she uses on her face; all of the masks are homemade and made from natural products, i. e. natural anti-wrinkle masks. She's doing facial gymnastics; I've added a video of her doing facial gymnastics to the article below. Also, open, happy, loving, despite all the troubles and adversity, I continue to love, smile and enjoy every day, my friend said.There are many cosmetics available today that can smooth wrinkles. I have wrinkles on my face, so I bought various products and creams. As soon as I used them, my face became smooth, even, and absolutely beautiful. Wrinkles seem to be smoothing out. However, I stopped using all store bought anti-wrinkle products and I have noticed that my face is not as smooth and I have noticed wrinkles. Generally speaking, as long as you use anti-wrinkle products, everything is fine, and once you stop, everything goes back to normal.

Folk remedies for wrinkles

You don't always have enough money and time to go to expensive creams and beauty salons, but you still want to look good. So, I am already trying folk face masks and sharing face mask recipes on the blog. I would like to say that our skin is "loved" when it is taken care of, and even the soul feels different. I recommend trying a mask.The most common methods of fighting wrinkles are massage, facial massage, compresses, homemade masks of natural products, lotions, herbal decoctions and ice cubes. The benefits of icing the face and how to prepare it at home can be found in the article of the blog "Beauty Ice the Face".

Anti-wrinkle effect of facial mask

Anti-wrinkle masks help smooth the small wrinkles on your face, making them less noticeable. Additionally, with continued use of natural masks, deeper wrinkles will become less noticeable.Facial skin becomes firmer and more elastic, and skin becomes softer and smoother. Additionally, using a face mask can reduce eye bags and eye swelling.Also, you shouldn't try different facial masks every day; choose a mask that suits you and do it a few times a week for at least 2-3 weeks to see the effect, and then you can try different formulas.

Apply an anti-wrinkle mask at home. terms of use

Any anti-wrinkle mask has a different composition of ingredients. It is very important to check whether you are allergic to the ingredients of the mask before using it. Apply a small portion of the mask to your wrist and wait 20 minutes. If there is no redness or irritation on your skin, you are ready to use the mask.If someone is allergic to honey, sour cream, eggs, etc. in the mask, the mask containing these ingredients should be discarded.
  • If the mask contains vegetable oil, it is best to choose olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil. . .
  • If the mask contains sour cream, milk or eggs, then it is better to buy a homemade product from a friend or someone who has confidence in the product
  • Generally, anti-wrinkle masks should not be left on the face for more than 20 minutes.
  • In addition, if you notice a burning sensation on your face after applying the mask, you should wash off the mask immediately, which means it is not suitable for you.
  • Apply the mask to the wound when ready and should not store it
  • Apply the mask to clean face
  • It is recommended to wash the anti-wrinkle mask with warm water or precipitated water

Homemade Facial Wrinkle Mask Recipe

Among so many different anti-wrinkle masks, how to choose the most suitable and effective one? Of course, experiment, like trying a different mask for a month. And choose the mask that best suits your results.The following anti-wrinkle masks have been proven to work well. This is what my friend shared with me and I am sharing the face mask recipe with you.

Banana anti-wrinkle mask

I absolutely love banana face masks and I make them regularly for my face. You will also learn how bananas can benefit your facial skin.Bananas are great for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The vitamins C and E contained in bananas help smooth wrinkles and slow down the aging process of skin cells as they are natural antioxidants.Banana masks are useful for aging skin; the natural complex of vitamins and trace elements contained in bananas has a positive influence on the processes taking place in skin cells.Banana face mask is suitable for any skin type. It all depends on the composition of the mask ingredients.

Banana anti-wrinkle mask for oily skin

To prepare the mask, take 1/3 of a banana, mash it with a fork and add one beaten egg white. You can add a little lemon juice. Leave the mask on your face for twenty minutes and rinse with water.

Banana face mask for dry and combination skin

For dry skin, add one egg yolk and one tablespoon of olive oil to 1/3 of a banana. Mash the banana with a fork, add the remaining ingredients, apply the mask on your face and rinse with water.Masks made from natural sour cream and banana are also great for nourishing the skin. Mix 1/3 banana with a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mask to your face and rinse with water.If you are not allergic to honey, mix 1/3 banana with a teaspoon of honey and apply it on your face as well, then wash it off with water.

Egg mask for wrinkle removal

Egg masks can also be used on wrinkles. It’s better to use homemade eggs for face masks rather than store-bought ones. In an egg mask, both the egg white and the yolk are used and mixed with the various ingredients of the mask.Some may say that egg whites can tighten pores, dry out the skin, or even tighten the skin slightly, making it more elastic. Egg whites are better for oily skin and egg yolks are better for dry skin.Among egg masks, I’m a big fan of the one made with egg yolks, olive oil, and lemon juice.

Anti-wrinkle egg mask for oily skin

For oily facial skin, mix egg yolk with one tablespoon of kefir, apply the mask on your face for twenty minutes, and then rinse with water. You can mix egg yolks with sour berries. One egg yolk with a teaspoon of sour berries, pre-chopped. Cranberries, kiwi, currants and other berries.

Egg mask for dry and combination skin

Mix the egg yolks with a teaspoon of homemade sour cream. Leave it on your face for twenty minutes and then rinse with water. You can use olive oil instead of sour cream.

Anti-wrinkle protein mask

Egg white cleanses and dries the skin; most commonly, egg white is used in anti-wrinkle masks for facial skin. The face mask is easy to prepare.Mix the protein with a teaspoon of honey, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes. Wash off with water.Mix egg whites with grated apple and apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and apply the cream on your face after applying the mask.

Anti-wrinkle mask made from sour cream

I also love sour cream masks, they nourish the skin on the face and leave the skin glowing, soft and moisturized after the mask.Sour cream mask is used to reduce visible wrinkles on the face. I have an article on my blog detailing its benefits for the face. You can also choose any mask that contains sour cream.For a face mask, I recommend using homemade natural sour cream. Sour cream mask has a rejuvenating effect and delays the aging process of facial skin.Vitamins A, C, and E are natural antioxidants that help fight aging skin cells; natural sour cream is rich in these vitamins.

Anti-wrinkle mask for oily skin types

Usually, for oily skin types, it is suitable to use a mask consisting of a protein, a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients and apply it on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse off the mask with water.

Facial mask for dry and combination skin types

Here you can add a teaspoon of honey to a spoonful of sour cream; if you are allergic to honey, you can add an egg yolk. You can add 1/3 banana to a spoonful of sour cream.

Parsley facial mask for wrinkle removal

Parsley mask is suitable for use on the face and skin around the eyes to prevent wrinkles. Use a teaspoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of chopped parsley. Mix sour cream and parsley and apply to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. The effect is amazing.Parsley mask helps smooth fine lines, relieve facial inflammation, and helps make facial skin more even, smooth, and elastic.Chop the parsley, mix it with sour cream, kefir or yogurt without additives in equal proportions and apply the mask on your face.Mix chopped parsley with egg yolks and olive oil. A teaspoon of olive oil, a tablespoon of parsley and an egg yolk, mix everything. Apply the mask to your face.

Aloe Vera Anti-Wrinkle Mask

Considering the beneficial properties possessed by the aloe vera plant, aloe vera face masks are a real godsend for our skin. On the blog, I have described the beneficial properties of aloe vera, told how aloe vera can benefit facial skin, and shared a recipe for a facial mask.Aloe vera softens, heals, soothes, and smoothes skin. Aloe vera is great for people with sensitive skin; aloe vera is suitable for everyone, unless of course you are allergic to aloe vera or have a personal intolerance.

Aloe Vera Nourishing Anti-Wrinkle Mask

To prepare a face mask, mix aloe vera juice with oil in a 2: 1 ratio, you can use olive oil or the oil you prefer to use on your skin. Mix juice and oil, apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Lifting Aloe Vera Mask

Mix aloe vera juice and sour cream in a ratio of 2: 1, apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water. You can use heavy cream instead of sour cream.

Honey facial mask for wrinkle removal

I love the honey mask, my face looks amazing after applying it. It’s best to use natural honey that you are confident in using as a facial mask. Of course, if you're not allergic to honey, then a honey mask is for you; if you are, then, alas, you can't use a honey mask.Honey is the most useful and natural natural medicine that can help us treat many diseases. But honey is also good for the face. It helps retain moisture in skin cells and tightens facial skin, making it more elastic.

Anti-wrinkle honey mask for aging facial skin

Honey masks nourish the skin, tone it and help smooth wrinkles on the face. The first version of the mask is egg yolk and a spoonful of honey, mix everything and apply it on the face. The second version of the mask is a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of honey, mix everything and apply it on the face.Honey and lemon are suitable for oily skin, and can clean the face and brighten the complexion. Mix a spoonful of honey with a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply it on your face.

Potato facial mask for wrinkle removal

Potato anti-wrinkle masks generally have unique features; potatoes can not only be used to remove wrinkles on the face, but also can be used to remove wrinkles around the eyes. Use potatoes to get rid of dark circles and eye bags.Potatoes can be eaten boiled or raw. Apply raw potatoes in a circular motion to your eyelids for 20 minutes; potatoes can relieve swelling and signs of fatigue under the eyes.

Boiled potato facial mask to remove wrinkles

Boil the potatoes and mash them. While the potatoes are cool but still warm, add the olive oil and apply the mask to your face. 1 tablespoon mashed potatoes, 1 teaspoon olive oil. You can add homemade sour cream or milk instead of butter.

Raw potato mask

Grate potatoes and apply on face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with water. Grate raw potatoes and mix with egg yolks. One egg yolk per tablespoon of grated potatoes. Grated potatoes can also be mixed with egg whites in the same proportions.As I promised you, a facial aerobics video clip. As we know, it all helps when it all comes together. So, give it a try and I think you will succeed.Many women face dry facial skin, which is often accompanied by tightness, irritation, and flaking. Wrinkles are more likely to appear on such a face because the skin loses elasticity more easily. What can you do to provide your skin with essential moisture and eliminate unnecessary signs of dryness?There are many cosmetics and treatments for this type of skin, some even using hemorrhoid creams, but it is always possible to make an anti-wrinkle mask for dry skinned face at home using natural products.

Cause of dryness

What causes fluid loss? The skin is made up of several layers:
  1. Genuine Leather
  2. epidermis
  3. outer stratum corneum
Epidermal and stratum corneum cells protect the dermis from environmental influences. In other words, dermis contains 80% liquid, which provides elasticity. If the protective layer is thin, it will be difficult to retain liquid in the dermis. Without this necessary help, skin loses moisture quickly. This condition is aggravated under the influence of external stimuli (heat, frost, wind).It's important to know that there are two types of dry skin:
  1. This type is what humans are born with. The skin is delicate and does not cause problems when you are young, free of shine and acne, but over time, it is prone to wrinkles and peeling.
  2. Skin becomes like this because of dehydration. This can happen to any skin type due to insufficient hydration or excessive drying with a particular product.
If you're in doubt about determining your skin type, here's a simple test:
  • Clean thoroughly
  • wipe your face
  • Do not apply any creams or makeup on your face
  • After a few hours, apply it to your face with a napkin.
If there are no wet spots on the napkin, your skin is dry. When spots appear on the nose, forehead, chin, etc. , we can confidently say that the skin is oily.Main causes of dry skin:
  1. Sebaceous gland dysfunction
  2. dry air
  3. Regular exposure to sunlight and frost
  4. stay in water for long periods of time
  5. Wash with hot water
  6. Poor quality cosmetics, excessive use of cosmetics
  7. use soap
  8. Frequent peeling
  9. Vitamin deficiency
  10. Various skin diseases
  11. Gastrointestinal, thyroid, neurological disorders
  12. Side effects of certain medications
  13. Malnutrition, dieting
  14. smokes
  15. Lack of proper facial care
  16. Hormonal changes/pregnancy, menopause, hormonal treatment
  17. age-related changes
Dry air, especially during the cold season, is one of the most common causes of dehydrated skin; it makes the skin look dull and lifeless. Frost, strong winds, high temperatures, and low humidity are dangerous for all skin types, especially those that are naturally dry and thin. Regular visits to a sunroom can have a similar effect.Hot water and even soap can have the same negative effects. In this case, the natural fat layer is washed away, while the skin dries out and tightens.But the body must receive adequate amounts of fluid. Disruption of water balance due to improper organization of diet or certain dietary deficiencies is first reflected on the face.Conditions such as diabetes, dysbiosis, and eczema can also affect dry skin. Thyroid dysfunction reduces fat production, causing skin to lose elasticity and become dry. Many medications (antibiotics, diuretics) may have side effects that cause the skin to lose enough moisture.Dry skin types are the most sensitive to hormonal changes. The main factor affecting the formation of dermal dryness is sebaceous gland dysfunction. But this can be affected by weather conditions and the wrong choice of cosmetics, as well as bad ecology, bad habits, and even active facial expressions and the length of time spent in front of a computer monitor.

How to use an anti-wrinkle mask for dry skin

Before starting a healthy routine, you need to find out what's causing your dry skin and eliminate the underlying causes. Otherwise, no surface-applied product will solve the problem.There are some misconceptions about the proper care for this skin type:
  1. Sometimes you may hear the misconception that dry skin care is actually unnecessary. The decision was taken by a fair half of the young representatives. But after crossing the threshold of thirty years old, the body begins the natural aging process. Dry skin is most affected due to lack of mandatory care. Therefore, early appearance of facial wrinkles is noticed.
  2. Some people claim that after the age of 30, no matter what you do, wrinkles will still appear on dry skin. The body does age and there is no way to stop it, but there is always an opportunity to slow down the process. Well-groomed skin ages more slowly and looks better. The right actions can keep your skin youthful and make wrinkles virtually invisible even into a more mature age.
By using a homemade beauty mask, you can achieve the best positive results in preventing and eliminating wrinkles on the face with dry skin. After all, they are packed with naturally beneficial ingredients. When you make your own, there's no need to wonder if chemicals are added to the ingredients.When choosing a facial mask formula, it's best to focus on options that provide a nourishing and hydrating effect.These masks are designed to:
  1. restore water balance
  2. revival
  3. Smooth wrinkles
  4. maximum moisturizing
Many people notice that their skin looks smooth, healthy, and matte after regular use of homemade face masks. Homemade care products need to be used 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes before going to bed. After rinsing, apply a proven moisturizing night cream. It is best to use masks alternately.

Homemade Face Mask Recipe

There are many folk remedies that can effectively moisturize the skin. You can choose whichever is more economical or easiest to prepare.

honey curd

  • Fatty cheese – 1 tbsp
  • Liquid honey, slightly heated – 1 tbsp
Mix the ingredients, if the ingredients are thick, dilute with a small amount of warm milk.


  • Dry mustard - teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil, preferably olive oil – 1 tablespoon
Combine mustard with oil and stir in warm water to form a paste similar to thick sour cream in consistency. The mask should not be left on for 20 minutes to avoid irritation; 5 minutes is enough.

Facial Mask "Medicinal Series"

Take equal amounts of fresh or dried herbs:
  • daisy
  • hop cones
  • strawberry leaves
  • Yarrow
Pour the collection into hot water, let it sit for 30 minutes, drain, add a spoonful of apple juice, a spoonful of honey, and an egg yolk, and mix thoroughly.

Lettuce leaf mask

  • 2 fresh large leaf green lettuce
  • High-fat butter - 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
Chop the leaves, add butter and sour cream and mix


  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp
  • Milk – 4 tablespoons
It is better to cut the slices into small sizes or pre-chop, pour hot (! ) milk, cover the bowl and cook for 10 minutes. Mix well, cool and spread.


  • 1 apple (medium size, preferably green)
  • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
Peel the apples, remove the seeds, chop with a fine grater and add oil. This mask can be made with a mixture of apples and cucumbers.

Contains aloe vera

  • Aloe vera leaf pulp – 1 tablespoon
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon
  • Egg yolk – 1
Mix well and stir.


  • Almonds – some nuts
  • Milk – 2 teaspoons
  • Oatmeal – 1 teaspoon
Pour water over the nuts and leave for 6-8 hours, then peel and mash, add flour and hot milk and mix thoroughly.


  • 1 fresh medium cucumber
  • Heavy cream – 1 tbsp
Chop the cucumber on a fine grater without peeling it and add the cream.

Avocado Banana Mask

Take an avocado and a banana, peel them and grind them in a blender.


  • Chopped chamomile herb – 2 tbsp
  • half cup hot water
  • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
Prepare chamomile soup, cool, strain and mix with oil.

Decoction for washing

When washing your face in the morning, it is best to use an herbal decoction, which can be made from any herb: peppermint, lemon balm, chamomile, calendula.To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of fresh or dried herbs into a cup of hot water, then brew, strain and wash.There are positive reviews about the benefits of applying the remaining pressed herbs on the face in a dab.

oil therapy

Take half a cup of olive oil and add a few drops of coconut oil and almond oil. Use this product for daily massage. The oil can be kept in a jar and stored in the refrigerator, but warmed slightly before use.

kefirol therapy

Kefir is very beneficial for the skin. If the intestinal flora is disturbed, as they say, the results appear on the face. This is why you need to consume kefir every day in your diet and in facial masks. And, you don’t even need to add any ingredients, just apply the fermented dairy product to your face. Wait for the first layer to dry, then apply another layer, and repeat several times.

"Waste to Business"

No matter how contradictory it may sound, people who aren't usually cut out for it are here to help fight wrinkles and dry skin.Strips of cucumber peel left over from preparing a salad can be safely applied to problem skin or simply rubbed onto the face. Cucumber is great for dry skin; it moisturizes the skin and slightly brightens the complexion. By following this simple routine for a week, you'll notice progress.Bananas also have surprising beneficial effects on the skin. Not only the banana pulp, but also its peel contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are necessary to maintain healthy skin. Just rub the inside of a banana peel against your face to provide nutrients and moisture.

Contraindications, side effects

Masks made at home with natural ingredients have almost no contraindications. They do not cause any harm other than a personal intolerance to certain products or an allergy to the ingredients in the mask. But there are many options for face masks, so you can easily swap one formula for another, with all the ingredients suitable for a specific person.Sometimes you can find recipes for facial masks that include lemon juice. If you have dry skin, you should use this product with caution as the thin epidermis is particularly susceptible to irritation. Acid may cause severe burns and redness.If the facial skin has a network of capillaries, it is necessary to avoid adding honey to the mask, since it has a vasodilatory effect.Those with dry skin and early wrinkles need not despair.With this simple recipe for a face mask to prepare at home, you'll be excited to look in the mirror in the near future. It’s great to feel healthy and beautiful.